Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A love poem for Vivienne Tam

For a poet and spoken word artist on tour
A Vivienne Tam would give my outfits allure
Whether performing at a bar, club, or cafe
This little Tam would be perfect on stage
I'd stop wasting paper, I'd stop wasting ink
I'd save the environment without having to think
Without a paper and pen, I wouldn't feel distraught
I'd read off the screen and type out my thoughts
I wouldn't be endlessly searching for notepads
In my hands, this Tam wouldn't just be the next fad
A spoken word artist with a digital clutch?
A poet and writer with a fashionable touch?
An IT maven with a tinge of class?
You must be kidding! Or kissing my...
Oh HP! Oh Vivienne Tam!
Come on! Put some glam in this poor poet's hand!
No more paper! No more pens! Hear this poet's call
HP, help this spoken word artist enthrall!
For the masses and audiences across the world
Would see poetry and HP, together, unfurled

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