Monday, April 7, 2008


First Fridays seems to be the place to be in Philly if you're an artist, and I got my first taste of it last weekend when I went to Aziza's First Fridays at the Jose Seabourne Art Gallery.

I have been so lucky to have been a part of so many different spoken word events in the past few months, each drastically different from the last, but Aziza's did something to the soul... (not to say the others didn't!)

She came in with her musical instruments and we started off with a jam session like no other. Her poetry, together with the poetry of the other artists, resonated to a place deep within. But the highlight of the night was the couple who got up and performed impromptu, and to whom I bow down and tip my hat all at the same time. Wow! I wish I knew their names, but to hear their words was treat enough. When I meet people who can stand up and bleed the arts without shedding a drop, I know I am in the presence of greatness. I can't say enough about all of the poets who stood up and said their piece, but I am still wishing I could replay that night every night.

Yes, I did stand up and do my thing, and thank goodness for the great feedback, but the poets with whom I shared the stage all showed me what true literary greatness and deep passion meant. Thank you, Aziza, for a most memorable night. And I will definitely be there next month!

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